Php code rapid php editor
Php code rapid php editor

php code rapid php editor

As a scripting language, PHP is perfect for all kinds of web programming needs. That said, I do like Aptana quite a bit for web development, it does a lot of the grunt work for you once you're over the learning curve.If you produce dynamic web content, chances are good that you program in PHP. It's not perfect (the UI is better than most Java UIs, but not perfect yet I don't think), but I've had good luck with it, and it'll be a hell of a lot simpler than Aptana/Eclipse. You can also bring up a shell in the bottom of your window, invoke scripts from within the editor, and so forth. jEdit has ready-made plugins for everything on your list, and syntax highlighting for a wide range of languages. I've used jEdit on several platforms successfully, and that alone puts it above most of the rest (many of the IDEs are cross-platform too, but Aptana and anything Eclipse-based is going to be pretty heavy-weight, if full-featured). Aptana, suggest that perhaps all you really want is a good editor with syntax highlighting and integration with some common workflow tools. Jump to any declaration with filtering by classes, interfaces, functions, variables or constantsĪre you sure you're looking for an IDE? The features you're describing, along with the impression of being too complicated that you got from e.g.Add phpDocumentor documentation to functions and classes with one click!.Powerful PHP Code Beautifier with many configurations and profile support.PHP statement templates (if, else, then, while…).Enclose strings with single- or double quotes, linefeed, carriage return or tabs.PHP object oriented programming (OOP) including nested objects.Work with any PHP frameworks (access classes, functions, variables, etc.Code Tip (code hint) for PHP - code assist as you type.Code Completion (IntelliSense) for PHP - code assist as you type.Code Explorer for PHP (includes, classes, extended classes, interfaces, properties, functions, constants and variables).CSS (both version 1 and 2.1 are supported).SQL (MySQL, MSSQL 2000, MSSQL 7, Ingres, Interbase 6, Oracle, Sybase).PHP (both version 4 and 5 are supported).Intelligent Syntax Highlighter - automatic switch between PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript depending on your position!.

php code rapid php editor

The main pro of this one is that it's NOT Java based. It's really the best IDE I've came across (and I believe I've tried them all).

Php code rapid php editor