Dbase v for dos free download
Dbase v for dos free download

dbase v for dos free download

One-Click Windows and Web applications can be generated directly from the data models.ĭistributed External Objects (DEO) provides a thin client capability that allows dBASE programs to be stored and updated on a LAN or Internet server and downloaded into the PC for execution.ĭBASE was the first sophisticated database program for personal computers, and dBASE file formats became de facto standards. dBASE is an interpreted language that can also be compiled to speed up runtime operation.ĭBASE's dQuery/Web interface provides a drag and drop capability for building and manipulating databases as well as interactively editing data. This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing ( ) dBASE PlusA relational database management (DBMS) and object-oriented application development system for Windows from dBase LLC, Binghamton, NY (Providing cross-database capability, it reads and writes natively to dBASE, Paradox, Access, Oracle, MS SQL Server and other databases.

Dbase v for dos free download